Monday, March 15, 2010

Dukes Mangola & Wada Pav

Survival is the keyword, when you embark on a maiden venture, if you are not Uday Chopra. There are hell lot of things to worry about and nourishing food is nowhere on the agenda.

In this post Dukes Mangola & Wada Pav have been used as metaphors. Actually it was our staple, while we used to slug it out, in The City, trying to juggle profession and passion & make sense of the whole damn thing. It was difficult, but nothing came easy to anyone of us at teamXtreme, at least so far.

The lesson we learnt back then was that to survive, you got to cut the flab or 'charbi' as they call it in Bombay. So a Dukes Mangola & Wada Pav was enough for us to sail through the day & those experiences percolated into our vision of how we run the show. There is nothing that we do which can be called shallow show off or pointless grandeur, like some Mr. Bhansali. Everything is there for a reason, but for that odd tattoo, sported by a brute amongst us, who is fondly addressed Demonik. How's that?

So getting back to the post, for any venture, especially where there is no 'blue chip' investment, it's necessary to be lean. It should facilitate flexible movement as and when required. Carpets are an unnecessary extravagance. So that's the point, the people affiliated to teamXtreme may not come and sign the attendance on a daily basis, but are there whenever required, even at odd hours of day or night. This takes care of two things. Firstly if you have come to work, you have come to WORK your lazy ass off, not just to sit pretty and warm the chair.

Thanks to the internet, even geography is not a problem, as many in the team are chipping in with their expertise from different parts of India. This adds to the diverse point of views we have and the bouquet of our offerings gets all the more wide. So if you wish to be a part of the team that kicks ass and are ready to slug it out, sweat it out & bleed it out, drop us a line here and we sure will get in touch with you.

You could be an individual specializing in any creative vertical, we would like to hear from you. Artists, visualizers, writers, craftsmen, photographers, web-junkies, videographers... just about anybody in the creative terra firma. You could be of utmost use to us in any of our projects that are underway or to be flagged off in the near future. Let's connect, over Dukes Mangola & Wada Pav. Don't worry, just kidding ;)


  1. I would like to connect with you guys. But Kingfisher and Wada Pav do?

  2. oh teri... oz bhai... thanks for dropping by... kingfisherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... daudega!

  3. Chip in....Kling in guys...need more guys to join this creative trail.....!!!Yummy Johny Hot Dogs...
